Words can change the world!
For mental health awareness week 9th – 15th May Sam’s Cafe in Fife
Sams Cafe: Sam’s is open for one to one support. mental health information and support. Support and information for people experiencing mental health issues, suicidal thoughts and information for carers with regards to mental health issues. Peer support offered by people with lived experiences of mental health issues. One stop shop for peer support information www.samscafe.org.uk |
are inviting you to answer…
‘What will my community look and sound like, when we end mental health stigma?’
‘Positive words for wellbeing?’
You could:
-write your answer in the sand, on an awesome beach
-use pebbles to spell out your answer
-stick a label on an old jar with your answer (especially if it is about people labelling)
-sing your answer
-sign your answer for the community using sign language
-write on an old t shirt
-draw what it means to you
Please share pictures of whatever you create on social media using the #WordUp hashtag. @seemescotland @FifeHpservice @samhtweets