Viewforth High School is a warm welcoming school that takes real pride in helping pupils achieve their full potential in a whole range of areas. From the moment you walk in, the staff and pupils make sure that you are comfortable and welcome you in with open arms. That’s one of the features that makes Viewforth special.
The staff at Viewforth High School push pupils to achieve their full potential. They make great efforts to get to know you as an individual and they are very approachable if you need help. Viewforth High School doesn’t just push pupils, but recognises them for what they do inside and outside school with a range of award ceremonies every year.
Staff provide support to the younger pupils in our school and senior pupils also play a great role in helping our newcomers. As head boy and girl we work with prefects, buddies, and house captains to ensure that the pupils of Viewforth High School have someone to go to if they need to.
Viewforth High School ensures that every pupil has the opportunities of a life time, opportunities that you may not experience anywhere else. The pupils of Viewforth High School are encouraged to grab every opportunity and make the most of them.
That’s why Viewforth High School is the place to be!