Recognising Positive Choices
We operate a points system to recognise young people who demonstrate our values and meet these expectations.
Young people will be recognised for this through gaining merits. These are awarded by the class teachers. There are five categories for merits.
- Hard Work (trying your best, not giving up, perseverance etc.)
- Good Behaviour (polite, respectful, kind)
- Outstanding Work (going above and beyond)
- Contribution to Lesson (asking questions, giving answers, helping others, working with others well)
- Excellent Homework (on time and outstanding effort)
Additionally, our young people will be recognised for outstanding effort, as well as achievements through the award of positive postcards. These can be awarded by any member of staff.

We also recognise young people for sustained effort in demonstrating our values and meeting expectations through termly recognition events led by the Senior Leadership Team.
Supporting Young People to make positive choices
We recognise that all young people are human and that they will make mistakes and choices in behaviour that can have a negative impact on others or their own learning.
Our teachers take a positive approach to behaviour, based on mutual respect. Young people can expect to discuss their choices with their teacher.
Where they continue to make choices that do not meet our expectations or match our values, they may receive a demerit. More than 4 demerits in a week will result in a text being sent home to their parents.
Demerits are awarded in 6 categories.
- Refusal to remove hoodies/outdoor clothing
- Persistent classroom disruption (shouting out, talking over others, being rude to others, refusal to carry out instructions, obstructing the learning of others etc.)
- Continuous use of inappropriate language
- Misuse of mobile phone (using phone in class without permissions, refusal to put away/switch off when asked)
- Text will be sent home on a daily basis for mobile phones
- Not engaging in learning (not producing adequate work, refusal to do work set etc.)
Our policy is regularly reviewed to respond to the changing needs of our young people.