Careers Support in School & Post School

Planning your career can be very challenging. Viewforth High School provides a range of opportunities and support to aid all learners in this process. Skills Development Scotland has careers advisers working in every secondary school in the country. Their role is to help your child with developing career management skills as well as offering careers information, advice and guidance.


In Viewforth High School careers advice and support is delivered by Gemma Cargill, Careers Adviser.

Services consist of:

  • Drop in sessions on topics such as CVs, applying to College etc.
  • One to one career coaching for those who need it. Pupils are identified by guidance staff.
  • Delivery of careers groupwork in PSE and Skills for Learning, Life and Work classes. These sessions are aimed at developing pupils’ career management skills.
  • Attendance at parents’ evenings for senior pupils and at Options Evenings.
  • The My World of Work website which provides information for pupils, parents/carers and teachers.

The Careers Advisers will also meet with all S2 pupils on a 1:1 basis prior to subject choice. Parents/carers can attend these meetings and an invitation will be extended nearer the time.


To find out more about the support available either pop into the school Careers Room (B106) or email

As well as our work in schools, Skills Development Scotland has a Post School Team which provides careers information, advice and guidance to anyone (of any age) in need of careers support. We have a full time centre at Whytescauseway in Kirkcaldy. The facilities can be used on a drop in basis or an appointment can be arranged to speak with a Careers Adviser by phoning 01592 645180.

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