Child Protection
Child Protection at Viewforth
Child Protection and Safeguarding is the first priority of staff at Viewforth High School. Our pastoral support team takes a lead on acting on child protection concerns and supporting young people affected by child protection or safeguarding issues. Where necessary we work closely with partner agencies to ensure child safety whilst also dealing professionally with all sensitive data and information.
Viewforth High School operates in line with the Fife Child Protection Committee’s ‘Six for Safety’ framework.
These six principles are at the heart of our child protection planning:
- Child at the Centre
- Relationships
- Quality Assessment and Planning
- Information Exchange and Communication
- Early Intervention
- Professional Support and Oversight

What is Child Protection?
Child Protection relates to keeping young people safe from issues such as:
- Physical abuse – causing of physical harm
Emotional abuse – persistent emotional neglect or ill treatment that has severe and persistent adverse effects on a child’s emotional development
Sexual abuse – may involve physical contact, [and/or] non-contact activities
Neglect – the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs
What do I do if I have a child protection concern?
Should you have any child protection concerns regarding your own child you can phone the school and ask to speak to their Principal Teacher of Guidance.
Should you have any general child protection concerns you may contact the social work contact centre directly on 03451 551503 or the police on 101.