Welcome to the Parent Council Page
Welcome to the Parent Council Page
Welcome! Hopefully our updated page for 2024 will help provide you with some background on the Parent Council, who we are and what we do.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, then please let us know at viewforthparentcouncil@gmail.com
What is the Parent Council?
The Parent Council consists of parents and carers whose children are in S1 through to S6. The Parent Council plays an active role in supporting the work and the life of the school. It also provides opportunities for parents and carers to express their views on children’s education and learning.
What does the Parent Council Do?
The Parent Council meet twice each term. Meetings in this school year will be online over a Zoom call.
The meetings will be held on a Monday evening at 6pm.
The primary focus of the Parent Council is representing parents’ and carers’ views and working to help support the school and our growing school community. In recent years, we are paying particular focus on fundraising to facilitate extra-curricular activities and equipment for pupils.
What are the aims of the Parent Council?
The aims of the Viewforth High School Parent Council are:
- A) to raise and discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils.
- B) to promote the role of the Parent Council to the Parent Forum in order to encourage optimum parent participation.
- C) to promote close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers.
- D) to promote equality and fairness
- E) to engage in activities which support and advance the education of pupils attending the school.
Parent Council Constitution
As a fund raising organisation we require 3 Office Bearers and a Constitution. – Viewforth HS PC Constitution v2.4
When are the next meetings?
The meeting dates for session 2024-2025 are:
- Monday 4th November 2024
- Monday 9th December 2024
- Monday 27th January 2025 (moved from 13th)
- Monday 24th March 2025
- Monday 12th May 2025
- Monday 16th June 2025
The meetings will start at 6pm on Zoom
If you would like to attend a meeting please email viewforthparentcouncil@gmail.com so you can be provided the necessary meeting information.
Who are the members of the Parent Council?
Our Parent Council currently consists of the chair (Alex Tomlinson), vice chair (Kirsty Hannigan) treasurer (Fiona Davison), 3 members and 1 associate member, who have pupils in various year groups:
S6 Parents
We have no parents for this year group. If you would like to contribute please email viewforthparentcouncil@gmail.com for further information.
S5 Parents
Jennifer Fenelon
I joined the Parent Council in 2020. My daughter is now at Viewforth in S5. I am really interested in what goes on at her school and am eager to help and support her and the school, to make her time there an enjoyable one.
Kirsty Hannigan (Vice Chair)
I was brought up in Glenrothes and moved to Kirkcaldy at 18. I have 2 children at Viewforth, Leon in S5 and Destiny in S2. I joined the Parent Council as I would like to be a part of the school my children are attending.
S4 Parents
Lara Smith
My name is Lara Smith, my son is in S4 and I have a daughter who has just started S1, and another who will travel up to Viewforth in the coming years. I volunteer within the parent council as it creates the opportunity to work within the school community and be involved in my children’s education. I feel strongly about supporting our local community and our children to achieve their goals.
S3 Parents
Hi, I am Alex. I have two sons – my eldest Elliot finished S6 in June 2024 and is now off to University. My youngest Toby has just started S3 where he has chosen his subjects he wants to focus on. He especially likes criminology, which he talks about a lot. I enjoy watching F1 with my sons and going for long walks with our dog.
I am happy to have a chat about the Parent Council if you would like to learn more.
S2 Parents
Erika Cragg
My name is Erika and my eldest son has just started S2. I am keen to be involved in the Parent Council as it let’s me find out more of what is happening in the school and gives me a chance to share my thoughts and give feedback. I like to keep active through sport especially tennis and cycling and enjoy playing flute and piano. I also like to be involved in my local community and enjoy working with people.
Kirsty Hannigan – See S5 above
S1 Parents
Lara Smith – See S4 above
Fiona Davison
I have been the Business Manager in Viewforth High School since 2019, having previously worked in the Higher Education Sector for various Universities in Scotland, holding roles such as Director of Professional Services, Clerk to Court and Policy Officer. I very much enjoy being part of the Viewforth High School Community, especially being able to support and encourage our young people to be the best they can be.
Associate Members
Leona Tomlinson
I joined the Parent Council in June 2023 as an Associate Member. My eldest Elliot left Viewforth in June 2024 and is now studying at university whilst my youngest, Toby is in S3.
I enjoy family walks with our dog, visiting lighthouses and listening to classical music. I joined to help source and submit funding applications with the most recent award being the very generous £2,000 from the Mary Janet King fund to support the Music Department.
Recent grant awards
Viewforth High School Parent Council are pleased to announce they have been awarded £2,000 from the Mary Janet King Trust (Parent Programme), administered by Foundation Scotland. This grant will be used for the Fife Festival of Music entry fees and other extracurricular music activities.
Viewforth High School Parent Council were successfully awarded a donation for our school food bank from the ASDA October 2023 Community Budget.
The Parent Council would like to thank all members of the School Community who voted for the ASDA Green Token Event run from January to April 2023 with the goal of supporting the School Foodbank. Viewforth reached 1st place and was awarded £500.
The Parent Council have been generously awarded £744 by the Asda Foundation
How do I join the Parent Council?
We are always looking to welcome new members to join the Parent Council. If you are interested in joining or would like to come along to a meeting to see what we do first before making the decision to join, then please contact us at: viewforthparentcouncil@gmail.com
Alternatively, you can join the Parent Council as an Associate Member. The primary role of an Associate Member is to offer assistance to the Parent Council when required.
This may be for example helping out at a fundraising event (-, baking for an event, selling raffle tickets etc. You would not be required to attend all meetings, just ones that would benefit from your attendance. As an Associate Member you would not be able to vote on Parent Council matters. This would require full membership. If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member please email viewforthparentcouncil@gmail.com. It would also be helpful if you could detail what skills you have / what areas you would be interested in helping in, for e.g baking.
Minutes of Previous Meetings
Viewforth High School Minutes – 4-11-24
Viewforth High School AGM Minutes 16_09_24
Useful Links
- Connect – Making family engagement in children’s learning and school lives as good as it can be.
- Education Scotland – Supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education.
- Education Scotland’s ParentZone – Providing support and information to parents, children and schools.
- National Parent Forum for Scotland –Represents Parent Councils across Scotland.
- Guidelines for the role of Treasurer – Treasurer Role