Administration is key to the success of any organisation as it provides information and support for decision-making and operations. Information and communications technology is an essential tool for the business environment and for individuals.
Administration will provide pupils with a wide range of skills including:
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- IT Skills
Administration and IT at Viewforth High School provides valuable experiences, which enhances pupils’ skills using a variety of Microsoft Software Applications which are used in a wide variety of types of employment. It doesn’t matter what job you do nowadays, there will always be a requirement to use a PC!
The Administration and IT courses specifically look at the creation and editing of information within the software: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheets), Microsoft Access (Databases) and Microsoft Publisher (Desk Top Publishing). Other software is explored for communications and research. All of the courses delivered in the school are very practical and hands on. Pupils are given the resources and the teaching input with many opportunities to develop their individual skills.

Course Outline
What is Business Administration?
Our Business Administration course is designed to introduce students to how IT is utilised in Business and the impact it has on business operations. Students will learn how to use various IT packages, whilst also gaining an insight into how businesses are established and how they are run. Areas covered include:
- Entrepreneurship
- Types of Businesses
- Databases
- Marketing
- Human Resources
- PowerPoint
- Spreadsheets
- Stakeholders
- Customer Care
- Desktop Publishing
- Word Processing
- Electronic Communication
- Finance