General News
Parent and Carer Newsletter 14/11/2022
Please click the link below to read this week’s parent and carer newsletter, this replaces the weekly HT letter: Viewforth High School Parent and Carer Newsletter
Please click the link below to read this week’s parent and carer newsletter, this replaces the weekly HT letter: Viewforth High School Parent and Carer Newsletter
Viewforth HS remembers. Well done and thank you to everyone involved. #LestWeForget #WeWillRememberThem
Our House and School Captains led Remembrance Assemblies yesterday for our S1 – S3 pupils. Today the school community will fall silent at 11am. Lest we forget. #RemembranceDay #LestWeForget #ThankYou
Please click on the link below to view Viewforth High School Summer Newsletter Summer Newsletter 2022
Free Bus Travel for 16-21 Year Olds The process to apply for free bus travel for 16-21 year olds has been simplified. If you are aged between 16 and 21 and already have an active NEC or Young Scot NEC card then you can download your free bus travel using Read more…
Words can change the world! For mental health awareness week 9th – 15th May Sam’s Cafe in Fife Sams Cafe: Sam’s is open for one to one support. mental health information and support. Support and information for people experiencing mental health issues, suicidal thoughts and information for carers with regards to Read more…
S6 pupils in Viewforth celebrated their last school day today, working hard to the end but they did make time to have a farewell Domino’s pizza lunch and to grab some sun for this photo! We would like to wish our all our young people all the best for the Read more…
Parent Portal is a new digital service to help replace the traditional school bag run by providing direct communication to parents and carers through a growing suite of online services. The portal has been developed to provide parents/carers with a clear insight to their child’s education and to support transactional Read more…
Grab and Go with the new Fusion App! Pre-order school meals anytime, anywhere! Fusion Online is a new App that allows pre-ordered meals to be prepared and ready for pupils to pick up at lunch time. Viewforth goes live, Tuesday 7th September 2021. Please place orders before 10:00am Read more…
The visiting music instructors currently have spaces on their timetables for S1 and S2 pupils who are interested in learning a musical instrument. This video introduces all the instructors and the instruments that they teach. Lessons are free and take place during the school day. The instructor creates a rota Read more…